This article teaches you how to prevent your laptop from suffering damage immediately after spilling a liquid on it. Keep in mind that while the following information is the best way to manage a rollover yourself, there is no guarantee that your computer will be stored safely. Also, looking for professional help is a much better solution.

Short Summary:
1. Unplug the laptop and turn it off.
2. Remove the notebook from the liquid.
3. Turn the laptop over and remove the battery.
4. Unplug the external equipment.
5. Open the laptop and place it on a towel.
6. Wipe any remaining liquid.
7. Remove all the material you can.
8. Dry the internal components and remove any residue.
9. Allow to dry for at least 24 hours before turning on.

1. Turn off the laptop and unplug it immediately from the power source.

computer while they are active, it is most likely that your laptop will be shortened, making the weather very important.

To disconnect the laptop from a power source, simply remove the charging cable from the laptop computer. This is usually on the left or right side of the laptop.

2. Remove the laptop from the residual liquid

This will reduce both the exposure of your laptop to more liquid and reduce the risk of electric shock.

3. Turn on the laptop and remove the battery if possible-

You can usually do this by flipping your laptop, dragging a panel from the bottom of the laptop and pulling it gently on the battery.

This step is not possible on a MacBook without first unscrewing the bottom of the laptop from the rest of the case.

4. Unplug all external equipment.

This includes the following elements:

USB devices (flash drives, wireless adapters, chargers, etc.)

Memory cards

Controllers (for example, your mouse)
The laptop charger

5. Place a towel on a flat surface

Here you will set up your laptop for the next few days, so choose a warm, dry and discreet place.

6. Open the laptop as much as possible and place it on the case.

Depending on the flexibility of your laptop, anything is possible, from a laptop in the tent to a completely flat laptop. To speed up the process of drying the liquid, you can get a quick solution on the liquid to help you.

7. Wipe all visible liquids-

To clean are the front and back of the screen, the case of the laptop and the keyboard.

Make sure that your laptop is always with you while you do this.

8. Ground yourself before touching the internal components of your computer.

The grounding eliminates static electricity from your clothes or body. Static electricity can easily destroy the circuit, so it is important to do this step before touching the RAM card or the hard drive.

9. Remove all material that you can

If you are not familiar with removing RAM, your computer's hard drive, and other internal removable components, instead, bring your laptop to a professional repair service.

There is nothing else you can find for your specific hardware. Just look for the factory and model number of your computer, followed by  "RAM Removal " (or the component you want to delete).

For a MacBook, you are one of the most successful builders in the world.

10. Dry all damp internal components

To do this, you will need a microfiber cloth (or other lint-dry cloth).

If there is too much water in your laptop, you must first empty it. Be extremely gentle.

11. Remove Dry residues

Use a lint-dry cloth to gently remove non-aqueous stains, shavings and other non-liquid residues.

12. Let your laptop dry

You will want to leave it alone for at least one day.

Remember to store your laptop in a dry and hot place. For example, a dehumidifier can improve drying time.

Never use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process of your laptop, as the heat concentration of a hairdryer is sufficient to damage the internal parts of your laptop.

13. Reassemble the laptop and turn it on

If this does not start or if you notice distortion of the sound or display, you must entrust your laptop to a professional laptop repair service (for example, a Best Buy technical service).

14. Remove all residues if necessary

Even if your laptop is working, you may need to treat a sticky or greasy substance. You can remove these debris by gently rubbing the affected area with a damp, lint-free cloth, as you did when the computer was drying.


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